Browsing Tag
language development
6 posts
Songs are one of the most powerful ways to ease toddler transitions
Crying, tantrums and overall willfulness. Toddler transitions are hard. Inside find six powerful strategies to improve cooperation and…
October 21, 2023
Tips to Develop Language While Reading
I’m pretty sure that when it comes to the language development of their children, parents fall into one of…
November 14, 2023
3 SIMPLE Ways to Foster Language Development in Infants
Do you want to give your baby the best start linguistically? Check out these 3 research supported SIMPLE…
November 27, 2023
6 Effective Ways To Promote Language Development In Toddlers
If your infant or toddler isn’t speaking a lot or seems to have a language delay, these six…
October 31, 2023
10 Outdoor Activities to Increase Toddler Vocabulary
Language development has always been of interest to me. It became that much more of a focus when…
January 24, 2024
5 Favourite Picture Books for Babies and Toddlers
We are fortunate enough to live three blocks from a public library. Despite our love for it, I…
November 7, 2023