One of the many wonderful things about technology is that when we mothers need to call on our “village” for help or inspiration, all we need to do is put on our favorite mom podcast.
We could learn about unmedicated births while we do the laundry. Or, while we’re driving to work, we could pick up some practical tips on traveling through Europe with a toddler. Do you like to cook? You could get some great recipes for the perfect soufflé while you’re preparing dinner.
Listening to podcasts is like having a friend or a mentor standing right there beside us, talking to us. When motherhood becomes a lonely time (as it does, sometimes), and friends are hard to come by, podcasts for moms will keep us from feeling alone.
Below, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 best podcasts for moms. Some of them will make you laugh out loud; others will make you think; others still will inspire you to create. And all of them will keep you company as you go through your journey.

The Mom Hour
Hosts Meagan Francis and Sarah Powers are just like us. They say they’re not experts at momhood, but still manage to raise eight kids between them while running a business, keeping a clean house, and having fun.
Episodes on The Mom Hour are about an hour long, and are filled with everything relevant to mothers the world over: carpools, feeding hungry kids, going on trips, cleaning the house, etc.
Here’s a tip: Search for Episode 448: Parenting Lessons From Travel Abroad. Sarah, who’s mom to kids aged 10, 13, and 15, talks about how she dealt with kids complaining about all the walking and all the foreign food.
Listen to this episode: Do Today’s New Moms have it Easier or Harder?

Birth Kweens
One of the best podcasts for new moms, unfortunately, stopped production in 2021. Luckily for us, all the episodes of Birth Kweens are still available online.
It was women’s lack of access to professional healthcare support that pushed Karly Nuttall and Ali Feroah to launch Birth Kweens. They certainly knew what women needed. Karly is a midwife and hormone specialist; photographer Ali is a doula.
On Birth Kweens, Ali and Karly combined their honest and experienced perspectives. Kind of sounding like two of our friends, these Kweens gave their nuanced opinions and expert advice about everything to do with the miracle of giving birth.
Karly and Ali even invited women’s health practitioners and authors as their guests. By doing this, they gave their listeners a holistic perspective about being pregnant, giving birth, and thriving afterward.
Listen to this episode: Four Birth Stories

Crime Junkie
Like a mystery book you can’t put down, this is a podcast you won’t be able to turn off. Crime Junkie is hosted by moms Ashley Flowers and Brit Prawat, both of whom want to bring awareness to unsolved true crime cases.
That is exactly what makes this one of the hot-ticket podcasts for stay-at-home moms. There’s nothing better than listening to a crime podcast, feeling the rush of adrenaline while cooking dinner or doing some work at home.
Aside from covering unsolved murders and missing persons cases, Crime Junkie also wants you to stay safe. There are episodes dedicated solely to an expert giving tips on how to protect yourself from online sex abuse. Moms, you might want to get your teens to listen to this particular episode with you.
Listen to this episode: Murdered: Christie Mullins

Giggly Squad
Do you ever feel so overwhelmed by all the little (or not so little) people you need to take care of? When you feel that way, it’s crucial that you take a break and have a laugh. Let Giggly Squad help you out.
Hannah Berner and Paige DeSorbo, Giggly Squads inimitable hosts, are experts at bringing on the laughs. In each of their 45-minutes-or-so episodes, they poke fun at whatever they can think of. Nothing is sacred to these two. From pop culture and television to mental health and dating, Hannah and Paige deliver their fun, relatable observations.
They’re the perfect duo to follow if you appreciate laidback humor. If laughter is the best medicine, this mom podcast is probably the healthiest of the lot.
Listen to this episode: Giggling About Mob Wives, Sleepwalking, and Celebrity Tea

Clever Girls Know
One of the best podcasts for working moms—any mom, for that matter—is a podcast that teaches us how to manage our finances. This is exactly what Clever Girls Know host Bola Sokunbi talks about. And you better listen, mom.
Bola is a certified financial education instructor. She founded Clever Girl Finance (which runs the Clever Girls Know podcast) a personal finance platform especially for women. She’s a godsend for moms like me, who doesn’t enjoy talking about money or managing finances. Bola makes it all sound so attainable. When she talks about numbers, it’s not overwhelming at all.
If you’re looking for tips, mama, here are some of the topics Bola covers: investing for beginners, paying off a $138,000 debt in three years, sticking to your grocery budget.
Listen to this episode: Follow your Fears to Build Wealth

The Endless Honeymoon
What do you get when you throw two married comedians, one of whom is an Emmy winner, into a podcast? You get a hilarious (but wise) take on relationships—their own and everyone else’s.
Natasha Leggero and Moshe Kasher, stars of Netflix’s The Honeymoon Stand-up Special, are a super relatable married couple. They also happen to have a fantastic sense of humor. And their podcast shows it.
When they’re not laughing at their own relationship (and parenting fails), they’re taking on callers asking for love advice. The wisdom Natasha and Moshe choose to impart is sometimes practical and always laced with humor. You’ve got to admit that this approach makes any piece of advice easier to swallow, right?
Listen to this episode: The Girl with the Dragon Eyebrows

Minimalist Moms
Living simply with less. This is what Diane Boden’s podcast is all about. A mom of three, Diane is an advocate for a calm life that isn’t cluttered with objects and negativity.
Much of what Diane talks about in this mom podcast stems from her personal experiences raising a family as a minimalist. But she does invite experts and authors onto her show, as well, to give tried-and-true tips on living a fulfilling life without wanting too much. As Diane says, “My goals is to inspire you to think more and do with less.”
What a timely goal to have, don’t you think? How many times have you added so many things you didn’t really need to your online cart just because everything was on sale?
Listen to this episode: Buying Less is the Key to Loving Your Wardrobe

The Calm Mom
When you start your day with a calm soul, chances are, the rest of the day will follow suit. Michelle Grosser, host of The Calm Mom, wants all moms to “say goodbye to the exhaustion and overwhelm.” That’s why she came up with this soothing mom podcast.
Two episodes in, The Calm Mom will make you feel better about everything you do as a mom. Michelle encourages you to let go of any guilt that might be lurking, so I suggest you just do as she says.
As a law professor-turned-motherhood coach, Michelle knows how hard it is to leave the guilt and comparisons at the curb. But she says if we want to be healthier mothers, getting rid of the mom guilt is necessary.
Listening to The Calm Mom is like listening to a sympathetic stranger comfort you when you’ve reached peak strung-out mom.
Listen to this episode: Get Organized! How Busy Moms Reduce Clutter and Manage their Time

Why Mommy Drinks
This is probably the most celebrity-laden podcast on this list. Hosted by comedian Betsy Stover, Why Mommy Drinks welcomes a steady stream of guests in Hollywood directors, comedians, even Olympians.
Since most of this podcast’s guests are parents, conversations tend to center around one loose theme. They talk about things their children did that shook them so badly that only a drink could soothe their nerves and put things right again.
It’s a hilarious take on parenting, though it has its quiet, sensitive moments, too. Betsy and her guests commiserating with each other about their parenting woes makes moms feel seen and heard.
“Your kid crashed the car into your garage door? My kid ordered $20,000 worth of toys on Amazon. Cheers!”
It’s the Friday night conversation you didn’t know you needed to eavesdrop on.
Listen to this episode: Alyce Chan: When it Rains, it Thunderstorms

Motherhood Sessions
Three cheers for Gimlet Media’s Motherhood Sessions for talking about the difficult things about motherhood that no one else wants to talk about.
Dr. Alexandra Sacks, a reproductive psychiatrist, invites parents onto her weekly show and encourages them to talk about the hard things. Their ambivalence toward postpartum sex; a teenage son getting into drugs; raising a baby as a young single mom. Dr. Sacks takes all these big issues off the therapist’s couch and brings them out into the open.
In the process, she helps not just her guests but us, her listeners, as well. It may be difficult to listen to. But if you’ve got no time to go to therapy but feel you need to go, let this podcast motivate you to seek out a professional. Listen to Dr. Sacks and her guests work out the problems, and you might just pick up some things to help you, too.
Listen to this episode: A Little Black Kid Like Me

The Pediatrician Next Door
Pediatrician Wendy Hunter, MD answers the questions you forgot or were too embarrassed to ask at the doctor’s office. She mixes the science of medicine with the realities of parenting to give satisfying answers to questions about kids’ health.
Dr. Wendy’s most popular episodes are about dealing with constipation and why kids get fevers. She also shares mysterious cases from her pediatric clinic and cases that she saw when she worked in the pediatric ER.
The show is popular with childcare and healthcare workers because she explains the science behind the weird things that kids do – and, of course, parents and grandparents love it too!
Listen to this episode: Things Every Parent Should Know about Kids’ Health
When a mom podcast gets real
A mom podcast isn’t as heavily censored as radio talk show programs used to be. That’s great news! When moms get tired, overwhelmed, and lonely, we have no need for podcasts that pick their words. We prefer the brave podcasts; the ones that talk about all the good and bad things about motherhood and womanhood. The 10 podcasts for moms above are like our courageous friends. They talk to us, laugh with us, cry with us, and then teach us little bits about life.
What’s your favorite podcast? Care to add it to our list?
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